Building a Personal Growth Plan
Summary: The first step to mastery is building a structured and deliberate plan to develop our capabilities. We call this a Personal Growth Plan. Here's how to do it.
Written by Alistair Gordon 25 Jul 2022


It is the starting point of any concerted, planned effort to accelerate your career as a subject matter expert - building a Personal Growth Plan.

But it isn’t easy, and in fact in our experience, unless the SME is describing the technical knowledge they need to acquire, most experts find completing a more rounded, holistic Personal Growth Plan (PGP) very difficult.

In the short chapter of our book, Master Expert, we describe exactly how its done - and the good news is that it is easier than you think.

You can download our PGP template here.

And you can explore our companion book, The Expertship Growth Guide , which contains 102 ideas for how to populate your PGP, and grow your Expertship.

And if you want to get some great feedback on how you are being experienced as an SME, and which areas offer the most opportunity to add more value, you should undertake The Expertship 360.

Download Chapter from M-EX on building a Personal growth Plan